Promising the Moon
Throughout her life Marga has shown little feeling for her daughter Sofia. But now she reveals fear, wounds and a deep longing for her long-deceased husband Juris. She becomes increasingly lost in her forgetfulness and suddenly demands, like a child, gentleness. It’s an uncomfortable situation for Sofia who must now take care of her mother. Sofia’s growing realization that Marga’s past also affects her own gives Sofia impetus to make a sudden journey with her mother to Riga. This is where Marga grew up and where she married Juris. But the more Sofia learns about her mothers, the less clear it becomes who she herself is.
Top-class cast in a German first-rate film, (...)
Imposing melodramatic picture - beautiful to watch
Great acting cinema... What remains in your mind are the exquisitely composed images...
The film has turned into a masterpiece about lies, guilt and forgiveness, without a single tone out of place, carried by the charismatic Hannelore Elsner. What a woman!
(...) emotional cinema from Hans Steinbichler (...) Karoline Herfurth steals the show as young Marga (...).