Das Leben ist ein Bauernhof
Equipped with the accessories that one seems to need for a successful life — attractive girlfriend, sailing boot, luxury villa — Bernhard Stolz (Dominic Raacke) has come a long way. His brother Hannes (Heio von Stetten) is a monk and has taken vows of poverty and celibacy. But then there comes a call — their sister has died, leaving her heavily-in-dept farm to her underage daughter Katharina (Katharina Leonore Goebel). Bernhard and Hannes grew up on this farm too. Despite all their unwillingness, inner reluctance and external objections, the brothers are now forced to return, accept responsibility and sort things out. But they are also forced to ask themselves some unpleasant questions. For example, when they moved out into the big wide world and the isolated monastery, was this actually to flee from their love of the beautiful vet Johanna (Carin C. Tietze)? She was a temptation then and she is once again a temptation now.
Without any rough edges, the likeable cast are put into the Bavarian idyll brilliantly. Entertaining.
Amongst the actor, it is particularly up-and-coming colleague Katharina Goebel who impresses with how she portrays her wilful Kathi very naturally, sensitively and self-confidently.
A family reunion of a particular kind is in the centre of this adorable comedy.