Der Sushi Baron - Dicke Freunde in Tokio
Even since childhood, podgy Baron Uli von Ungelsheim (snuggly: Christoph-Hagen Dittmann) has protected himself from the unkind eyes of the outside world by hiding away in his castle. He hasn’t yet noticed that cook Susanna (charming: Doreen Dietel) is in love with him. Suddenly, unscrupulous car salesman Schneider (bad: Heio von Stetten) stands at his gate and demands the castle in payment for an ancient gambling debt run up by his forefathers. Rescue is promised in the form of a relationship to a Japanese car dynasty. Baron Uli is forced to undertake a journey to distant Tokyo, where not only big challenges, but also new friends await him. And Schneider of course awaits him too! Meanwhile at home, Susanna is worried about her prince.
...you'll roar with laughter
...the viewer can...discover Tokyo and have fun doing it...
Tip of the day - Sushi-shute with Spätzle-spiel