Die Bestatterin - Tote leben länger
The death of 36-year-old Dorothea Blum seems to be a suicide: a jump to her death with a last text message to her sister immediately before, and even her motive seems clear to the people of Hepperlingen. But when the dead Dorothea Blum lies in front of the undertaker Lisa Taubenbaum, certainty begins to crumble. And the oddball Tassilo Hoferichter, who was desperate to see the body, is murdered shortly afterwards. Lisa begins to 'investigate', sometimes together with the Stuttgart detective Thomas Zellinger, sometimes decidedly against his will. It soon becomes clear that there are two murders, but that they may be connected in some way. The fact that Dorothea Blum was involved in a fatal car accident shifts the focus again and expands the circle of possible suspects. Only slowly, and with very different combinations of suspicions, do Lisa and Thomas uncover a murderous plan that, while pursuing a noble goal, has lost all sense of proportion and could endanger more people...