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Conny (Lisa Martinek) is pregnant. Fifteen years ago, as she herself was little more than a child, Conny bore a son. However, she gave him up for adoption and has shamefully suppressed all thoughts of a family ever since. Conny’s boyfriend Frank (Siegfried Terpoorten) finds out the current whereabouts of the adopted boy. Although forbidden, Conny grows closer to her son and wins his trust—the young man her son has now become enjoys and soon returns her obvious affection. And so it becomes even more difficult for Conny to confess to him the truth. A tragedy will arise if all concerned—including the adoptive parents—don’t face the truth: both for the benefit of their son’s future, as well as their own.
Manifold and told with flair
Here the film strikes the right note and devotes itself to the vexing tension between dominance and vulnerability