Tödlicher Rausch
A boy lies dead in a village ditch. Alcohol poisoning; binge drinking among adolescents. This is the horrifying news that village policeman George (Fritz Karl) brings to the boy’s mother (Olivia Pascal) and sister Nina (Lisa Maria Potthoff). But Nina is not satisfied with this explanation. She searches for a reason for her brother’s senseless death. His mates and a good female friend (Julia Sophie Schabus) are at a loss. Nina conducts her investigations in the village with insistence and perseverance, but she encounters silence, rejection and animosity. Of all people, it is George, the village policeman, who seeks Nina’s company; offers her help and sympathy.
The triller won the producer's prize at the Hamburg Film Festival - "The film is stunning. Stunningly unpretentious. It has an effect. It convinces. That is the art", says the laudation.
His simple moral tales are ingeniously translated into pictures. That the film by Johannes Fabrrick doesn't re-invent the wheel while at it, is one of its qualities...
Fabrick's films distinguish themselves by continuously brilliant acting.